Trade Update 2019: Transfers, Transparency, and South-east Asia Spotlight

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

Authorized small arms imports to South-east Asia were worth at least USD 443 million in 2016, a 48 per cent increase from 2015, as revealed by the Small Arms Survey’s Trade Update 2019: Transfers, Transparency, and South-east Asia SpotlightThis increase, combined with the diversification in their small arms trading partners, highlights the region’s growing significance for international small arms flows.

Trade Update 2018: Sub-Saharan Africa in Focus

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The 2018 edition of the Small Arms Survey’s Trade Update—analyzing the small arms authorized trade in 2015—finds that the global authorized small arms trade was worth at least USD 5.7 billion in 2015, with small arms ammunition exports valued at USD 2.3 billion. The total value represents a seven per cent decrease between 2014 and 2015, mostly due to a USD 198 million decline in exports by top exporting countries the United States, Brazil, and Italy.  

Assessing Transparency in Small Arms Exports: The Small Arms Trade Transparency Barometer (Research Note 20)

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The Small Arms Survey’s annual Transparency Barometer is designed to encourage individual states to make public information about their transfers of small arms and light weapons, their parts, accessories, and ammunition.

It has been published as part of the annual flagship Small Arms Survey since 2004, capturing information on producers and countries that sell or donate significant surpluses.  It examines 52 countries that have declared—or are believed to have approved—small arms exports worth at least USD 10 million during at least one calendar year since 2001.

Small Arms in Brazil: Production, Trade, and Holdings (Special Report 11)

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It is not difficult to find evidence of Brazil’s high levels of armed violence. The proof is in the grim statistics of the country’s hospitals, morgues, and prisons. This Special Report looks at two aspects of this problem. First, it explores the thriving Brazilian small arms industry, which, together with international trafficking networks, contributes to control failures and fuels small arms violence. Second, it maps out weapons holdings—by weapon type, holder, and location.