In Need of Review: SPLA Transformation in 2006–10 and Beyond (HSBA Working Paper 23)
The Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) is engaged in a process of transfor-mation: it is undergoing a conversion from a guerrilla force into an affordable, professional, and disciplined regular force designed to operate under democratic civil control of the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) or, at an appropri-ate future date, as part of a national army under a government of national unity or its unified successor.1 The milestones for this process are outlined in the SPLA White Paper on Defence, which the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly endorsed in June 2008 (GoSS, 2008).
This Working Paper reviews the successes and shortcomings of the SPLA’s defence transformation process to date, measured against the White Paper milestones. It takes into account decisions, events, processes, programmes, and doctrine relating to SPLA transformation and development from 2006onward. In so doing, it identifies a transformation gap that has become evi-dent between SPLA requirements and defence reform initiatives.