At an Impasse: The Conflict in Blue Nile (HSBA Working Paper 31)
At an Impasse: The Conflict in Blue Nile analyses the first two years of the renewed conflict— which took place from September 2011 to June 2013. It is largely based on field research conducted in southern Blue Nile and South Sudan in November and December 2012. The paper elaborates on trends that characterize the conflict, underlining similarities and differences with the war the SPLM-N is also fighting in South Kordofan; presents the primary armed actors; identifies the military hardware used by both camps; and describes the mechanisms established by the government to supply local militias and paramilitary forces.3 The paper also reviews the evolution of the crisis in Blue Nile in terms of its devastating security and humanitarian impacts on civilians, as well as on the domestic and regional political landscape.
Also available in ARABIC.
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