Who's Fighting Whom in Tripoli: How the 2019 Civil War is Transforming Libya's Military Landscape

Submitted by SASAdmin on 21 October, 2020

Khalifa Haftar’s offensive to take Tripoli, Libya’s capital and largest city, has stalled. Launched in April 2019, the campaign has triggered the largest mobilization of fighters in western Libya since the revolution of 2011. It has also provoked new rifts within and between communities, and is preparing the ground for future political struggles.

Small Arms Survey Podcast #46: Conflict and peacebuilding in Libya: the role of women

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on 10 December, 2018

This episode of the Small Arms Survey podcast series focuses on Libyan female fighters and the role of women during the Libyan conflict and post-conflict peacebuilding, as part of the Survey’s Security Assessment in North Africa (SANA) project. The discussants are: