Humanitarianism under Threat: The Humanitarian Impact of Small Arms and Light Weapons (Special Report 01)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 24 November, 2020

Commissioned by the Reference Group on Small Arms of the UN Inter-Agency Standing Committee.

Available in: ENGLISH

Summary in French 

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The Role of Small Arms During the 2003–2004 Conflict in Iraq (Working Paper 1)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 24 November, 2020

In March of 2003, military forces primarily from the United States and United Kingdom invaded Iraq and little population-based health data has been available since. This study compares mortality during the period of 14.6 months before the invasion with the 17.8 months that followed and assesses the change in causes of death over that period.

Available in ENGLISH

Gender Counts: Assessing Global Armed Violence Datasets for Gender Relevance

Submitted by SASAdmin on 21 October, 2020

Sound and timely gender-relevant data is key for adequately and comprehensively addressing armed violence. Global databases have the potential to highlight relevant gendered dynamics, but currently lack crucial information related to the sex and gender of victims as well as the context of the violent events monitored. Gender Counts: Assessing Global Armed Violence Datasets, a Briefing Paper from the Small Arms Survey, highlights these knowledge gaps and indicates ways towards filling them.

A Missing Mandate? Casualty Recording in UN Peace Operations

Submitted by SASAdmin on 29 July, 2020

UN peace operations are uniquely positioned—and mandated—to collect and monitor data on conflict-related casualties. Through the collection and analysis of this type of data, UN missions can both improve the effectiveness of peace operations and assist the international effort among UN Member States to achieve progress towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16—particularly Indicator 16.1.2 on conflict-related deaths.

Global Burden of Armed Violence 2015: Every Body Counts

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on 8 May, 2015

Global Burden of Armed Violence 2015: Every Body Counts provides a wealth of data relevant to security and the post-2015 sustainable development framework. The report examines how a comprehensive approach to violent deaths can serve to track progress towards a peace and security goal—whether as part of the post-2015 development framework or as a goal in and of itself.