One of the themes of RevCon4 will be to consider ways to meet the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities presented by recent developments in small arms manufacturing, technology, and design, including through the projected convening of an Open-Ended Technical Expert Group (OETEG). The Small Arms Survey has produced a series of resources over the years on relevant topics, including the results of consultative expert discussions on this matter, and studies into the arms control challenges being raised by new small arms manufacturing techniques (see also our RevCon4 page on Privately made firearms and other non-industrial small arms and light weapons), as well as the use of the dark and clear web by traffickers to sell arms in different regions.
Regarding opportunities, the Survey has recently examined ways to improve weapons technical intelligence in the context of peacekeeping operations, including through the use of new technologies. We have also worked collaboratively in recent years with regional organisations, law enforcement agencies, specialised institutions, and the manufacturers of automated ballistics identification systems to monitor and profile illicit ammunition found at the crime scenes of 15 countries and territories across Europe and the Caribbean. Our experts will be discussing how the use of new technologies can help further automate such monitoring moving forward, and its relevance to arms control processes, at the RevCon4 side event titled 'Benefits of new technologies for the detection of illicit SALW,' hosted by Belgium and Slovenia on 25 June in Room CR5.
Find out more by reading the publications below or checking out relevant outputs in our Resource Library.
Exploiting Evidence, Improving Protection: Weapons Technical Intelligence in UN Peace OperationsBy Emile LeBrun and David Lochhead Briefing Paper | June 2024 English |
Privately Made Firearms in the European UnionBy Matt Schroeder, Nicolas Florquin, Anne-Séverine Fabre, and Andrea Edoardo Varisco Co-publication | December 2023 English |
Illicit Firearms Ammunition and Other Explosive Munitions in the European UnionBy Anne-Séverine Fabre, Nicolas Florquin, and Matt Schroeder Co-publication | December 2023 English |
Weapons Compass: The Caribbean Firearms StudyBy Anne-Séverine Fabre, Nicolas Florquin, Aaron Karp, and Matt Schroeder Report | April 2023 English |
Extracting Evidence: Opportunities and Obstacles in Assessing the Gendered Impacts of Diverted AmmunitionBy Emile LeBrun, André Desmarais, Kheira Djouhri, and Nicolas Florquin Briefing Paper | May 2022 English |
Small Arms Survey Podcast #52: Private Security Companies and Weapons & Ammunition ManagementBy the Small Arms Survey Podcast | February 2022 English |
Forensic Forays: Using X-ray Technology to Analyse Modified and Converted FirearmsBy Hannah Smith, Katie Addinall, and Liam Blunt Blog | August 2021 English |
Making the Rounds: Illicit Ammunition in UkraineНЕЛЕГАЛЬНИЙ ОБІГ БОЄПРИПАСІВ В УКРАЇНІBy Matt Schroeder and Olena Shumska Report | January 2021 English, Ukrainian |
Trade Update 2020: An Eye on Ammunition Transfers to AfricaBy Nicolas Florquin, Elodie Hainard, and Benjamin Jongleux Report | December 2020 English |
Wired Weapons: Online Arms Trafficking in Russia and UkraineBy Eric Woods Blog | July 2018 English |
Beyond the Dark Web: Arms Trafficking in the Digital AgeBy Matt Schroeder Blog | February 2018 English |
Ways Forward: Conclusions of the Small Arms SymposiaPerspectivas de avance: Conclusiones de los Simposios sobre Armas PequeñasDes voies à suivre: Conclusions des séminaires thématiques sur les armes légèresBy Glenn McDonald Briefing Paper | June 2018 Arabic, English, Español, Français |
Web Trafficking: Analysing the Online Trade of Small Arms and Light Weapons in Libya (Working Paper 26)By N. R. Jenzen-Jones and Ian McCollum Working Paper | April 2017 Arabic, English |
Chambering the Next Round: Emergent Small-calibre Cartridge Technologies (Working Paper 23)By N. R. Jenzen-Jones Working Paper | February 2016 English |
Behind the Curve: New Technologies, New Control ChallengesUn temps de retard: Nouvelles technologies, nouveaux enjeux de contrôleBy Benjamin King and Glenn McDonald (ed.) Occasional Paper | February 2015 English |
Feeding the Fire: Illicit Small Arms Ammunition in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Somalia (Issue Brief 8)By Alexander Diehl, with N.R. Jenzen-Jones Issue Brief | July 2014 English |
Identifying Sources: Small-calibre Ammunition in Côte d'Ivoire (Special Report 21)Identifier les sources d’approvisionnement: Les munitions de petit calibre en Côte d’IvoireBy Holger Anders Special Report | June 2014 English, Français |
Following the Thread: Arms and Ammunition Tracing in Sudan and South Sudan (HSBA Working Paper 32)By Jonah Leff and Emile LeBrun Working Paper | May 2014 Arabic, English |
Following the Headstamp Trail: An Assessment of Small-calibre Ammunition Documented in Syria (Working Paper 18)By N. R. Jenzen-Jones Working Paper | April 2014 Arabic, English |
Small-calibre Ammunition in Libya: An Update (SANA Dispatch 2)By N. R. Jenzen-Jones SANA Dispatch | December 2013 Arabic, English |
Marking of Firearms and Ammunition (Research Note 36)By Giacomo Persi Paoli Research Note | November 2013 English |
The Headstamp Trail: An Assessment of Small-calibre Ammunition Found in Libya (Working Paper 16)By N. R. Jenzen-Jones Working Paper | May 2013 Arabic, English |
Price Watch: Arms and ammunition at illicit markets (chapter 11 in Small Arms Survey 2013: Everyday Dangers)By Nicolas Florquin Yearbook | February 2013 English |
Ammunition Marking: Current Practices and Future Possibilities (Issue Brief 3)By Giacomo Persi Paoli Issue Brief | December 2011 English |
Surveying Europe’s Production and Procurement of Small Arms and Light Weapons Ammunition: The Cases of Italy, France, and the Russian Federation (Working Paper 10)By Benjamin King Working Paper | July 2010 English |
Emerging from Obscurity: The global ammunition trade (chapter 1 in Small Arms Survey 2010: Gangs, Groups, and Guns)By the Small Arms Survey Yearbook | June 2010 English |
Arsenals Adrift: Arms and ammunition diversion (chapter 2 in Small Arms Survey 2008: Risk and Resilience)By James Bevan Yearbook | June 2008 English |
Blowback: Kenya's Illicit Ammunition Problem in Turkana North District (Occasional Paper 22)By James Bevan Occasional Paper | June 2008 English |
Ammunition Tracing Kit: Protocols and procedures for recording small-calibre ammunitionKit de traçage des munitions: Protocoles et procédures de signalement des munitions de petit calibreBy James Bevan Book series | June 2008 English, Français |
Targeting Ammunition: A PrimerBy Stéphanie Pézard and Holger Anders Book series | June 2006 English |