Tracking Conflict-Related Deaths: A Preliminary Overview of Monitoring Systems
Tracking Conflict-Related Deaths – A Preliminary Overview of Monitoring Systems aims to contribute to the development of a standardized methodology for tracking the number of people who are killed in armed conflict. This, in the context of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of which Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Target 16.1 specifies to ‘[s]ignificantly reduce all forms of violence and related deaths everywhere’.
By identifying and categorizing the different monitoring systems run by national institutions, international organizations and civil society, the Briefing Paper highlights the variations in thematic coverage, geographical focus, and level of disaggregation of these monitoring systems. Further, it offers suggestions for a more solid methodology towards achieving Target 16.1. It is the fourth in a series of publications in support of the Sustainable Development Agenda process, following a Research Note on global trends of lethal violence, another looking at the use of firearms in committing violence, and, finally, one on the gendered aspect of violent deaths.
Available in: ENGLISH
- To learn more, see our Global Violent Deaths (GVD) database
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