Persistent Threats: Widespread Human Insecurity in Lakes State, South Sudan, since the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (HSBA Issue Brief 1)
The Sudan Human Security Baseline Assessment (HSBA) is a multi-disciplinary research project designed to expand understanding and awareness on safety and security throughout Sudan. It is coordinated by the Genevabased Small Arms Survey with financial support from the Department of Foreign Affairs Canada. Between April and May 2006, the HSBA survey team, in partnership with Pact Kenya, conducted a large-scale household survey to assess levels of real and perceived insecurity across Lakes State since the signing of the CPA.
Preliminary findings reveal that despite the declared end of hostilities, security remains elusive for many southerners. The survey reveals that residents of Lakes State appear to be well armed, and the widespread availability of automatic and light weapons, combined with weak modern and customary security arrangements and a climate of impunity, has contributed to the persistence of unusually high rates of criminality and armed violence.
Persistent Threats: Widespread Human Insecurity in Lakes State, South Sudan, since the Comprehensive Peace Agreement elaborates on the methodology and profile of respondents before reviewing findings in more detail.
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- More about the HSBA project
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