INSIGHT - To prevent violence by improving the visibility of firearms violence in the European Union

Project INSIGHT aims to develop an online knowledge platform on which all information related to firearm violence in the European Union is centralised, as well as country sheets and eight analytical reports.

Funder: EU Internal Security Fund (Police)


The overall objective of project INSIGHT is to prevent violence in society by structurally improving the visibility of firearms violence in the European Union through an online knowledge platform on which all information related to firearm violence in the European Union is centralised.

The knowledge platform collects:

  • Existing data on firearms violence, such as official statistics;
  • New data, generated by an online monitor which uses artificial intelligence technology, based on media reporting, to gather up-to-date information about firearms incidents in the 27 EU Member States.
  • Existing research on firearms violence in the European Union.

Based on this data collection, the project partners will write eight research reports on current themes of firearms violence in Europe. In addition, country reports per Member State will give an overall picture of the situation of firearms violence in that country and monthly trend reports will be generated.

This online knowledge platform offers policymakers, police officers, strategic analysts, researchers and other stakeholders access to data-driven and evidence-based information about firearms violence in the European Union. Based on this information, stakeholders can develop more appropriate and effective policies and operational interventions.

The network

Project INSIGHT is funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the Flemish Peace Institute (FPI). For more information on the project, visit the project page on the FPI website.

The other partners in the network are:  

This project is also supported by the Belgian Federal Police, Europol , European Firearms Experts, Dutch National Police and the South Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SEESAC) .

For further information on the project, please contact:

 sas logoNicolas Florquin
Head of Data and Analytics