Launch of a public service campaign from IKAR, supported by the joint CENSS-Small Arms Survey micro-grant programme

IVANO-FRANKIVSK—On 29 May2024, as part of the Ukrainian Networking Group (UNG), the Information Control and Analytical Council (IKAR), and the Center for Security Studies (CENSS) launched a series of public service advertisements about the dangers associated with the illegal circulation of weapons and their irresponsible handling. The videos, disseminated across social media platforms, warn children, young people, and adults against contact with weapons and their debris. They also provide instructions on correct behaviour and actions when such weapons, ammunition, or explosive objects are found. The main role in the videos was played by the famous Ukrainian actor Oleksiy Hnatkovskyi.

This public service campaign is an initiative from the Ivano-Frankivsk public organization IKAR and its founder, Mykhailo Savlyuk. This initiative is part of the micro-grant programme of the non-governmental organization CENSS, in partnership with the Small Arms Survey, and with support from the German government within the framework of the project Supporting Ukraine in Countering the Risks of Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons as a Result of the Russian War of Aggression.

The main department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, the police of the Ivano-Frankivsk region, the KNP ‘Regional Clinical Center of EMD and MK of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Council’, as well as the creative studio ‘Adventurers’ also participated in the production of the video. 

The videos are available here and here.

About the project:

The Supporting Ukraine in Countering the Risks of Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons as a Result of the Russian War of Aggression project is a joint undertaking by CENSS and the Small Arms Survey with funding from the German government. The project implementation period is 2023–25. Its general purpose is to prevent and reduce security threats to the population that may arise due to the illegal circulation of weapons.

The project aims to ensure that relevant Ukrainian and international policymakers, practitioners, and the public benefit from timely, relevant, and high-quality research on illicit small arms and light weapons. To achieve this goal, the project creates and disseminates a wide range of research results, as well as promotes the exchange of information and training on small arms proliferation issues. Part of this project is a micro-grant programme aimed at, among other things, drawing attention to the topic of illegal arms trafficking and help raise awareness, improve understanding, and promote activities related to the regulation of small arms trafficking. 

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GFFO logoThis project is funded by the German Government.