What is the Future for Small Arms Control?
Thursday 17 October 2024 | 11:00am - 12:30pm CET
Maison de la Paix Conference Center C1 (Pétale 5) | Geneva, Switzerland
Register for Geneva Peace Week
Defining ‘peace’ involves considering the different visions of what it constitutes—is it the mere absence of armed conflict and illicit weapons, or does it also require conditions that foster human security and prevent conflict? How has the understanding of ‘peace’ and arms reduction changed over the last 25 years? This event examines the relationship between small arms control efforts and peace by revisiting the origins of small arms control, discussing current attitudes, and presenting more sustainable, inclusive, and localized approaches to countering arms trafficking and violence.
Welcome Remarks
Mr. Gilles Cerutti - Head, Humanitarian, Diplomacy, Peace and Human Rights Division, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland
Dr. Mark Downes - Director, Small Arms Survey
Ms. Melanie Regimbal - Director, United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs – Geneva
Dr. Keith Krause - Director, Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding
Ms. Anne-Séverine Fabre - Researcher, Small Arms Survey
Ms. Viktoriia Voronina - Executive Director, Center for Security Studies “CENSS”
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