Armes à feu artisanales en Guinée: Une exploration de terrain par le prisme de la balistique

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

Selon les données existantes, la République de Guinée ne compte pas parmi les États ouest-africains les plus touchés par la prolifération des armes légères et de petit calibre, y compris les armes à feu artisanales. Mais les autorités nationales savent que ce phénomène en constante évolution pose des problèmes sécuritaires et sociétaux considérables qu’elles s’efforcent de cerner et de régler depuis quelques années.

The growing and multifaceted global threat of privately made and other non-industrial small arms and light weapons

Submitted by Katie Lazaro on

The proliferation and diversion of privately made firearms and other non-industrial small arms and light weapons pose a growing threat to security across the world.  Some regions have attempted to regulate rather than prohibit manufacturing, but these efforts are hindered by implementation challenges and diversion. Additionally, new technological developments and the ease with which information and expertise can be shared online have decentralized production, contributing to the global diffusion of the tools and skills necessary to build small arms and light weapons.

Taking Stock of Action on the Illicit Small Arms Trade: Craft Weapons

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

'Craft-produced weapons pose a challenge to arms control efforts. The fourth panel of the Small Arms Survey 2020 online forum ‘Taking stock of action on the illicit small arms trade’ hosted a discussion on research findings on craft weapons, measures to address the problem, results of such actions, and recommendations for moving forward...'