Feeling the Heat: Exploring the Link between Emotions and Violence

Submitted by Katie Lazaro on

'Why do individuals join a violent extremist group? What are the drivers behind this decision? And how do we prevent it? These questions have long occupied the academic and policy spaces, and continue to do so given that violent extremism is still one of the top national and international security threats....'

Continue reading this Security Assessment in North Africa (SANA) project blog post on MEDIUM.

Road to RevCon4: The UN PoA and Demand

Submitted by Katie Lazaro on

Since the early 2000s, arms control experts and policymakers have come to recognise the importance of a demand perspective. Yet, demand-side factors have often been sidelined due to their absence from the mandates of international agreements. The UN Programme of Action's preamble emphasizes the pressing need for international cooperation to combat this trade from both supply and demand perspectives, yet, the operational clauses primarily focus on addressing supply-side factors.