Developing Gender-responsive National Action Plans on Small Arms

Submitted by Katie Lazaro on

At the Fourth Review Conference of the UN Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons in 2024, member states expressed concern that the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons impedes the achievement of gender equality. This has long been understood by women’s civil society organizations, as well as several states that have both experienced and documented the gender-differentiated impacts of small arms and light weapons and their broader impacts on human rights.

Assessing Gender Responsiveness in the Implementation of Small Arms Control Action Plans

Submitted by Katie Lazaro on

At the Fourth Review Conference of the UN Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons in 2024, member states expressed concern that the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons impedes the achievement of gender equality. This has long been understood by women’s civil society organizations, as well as several states that have both experienced and documented the gender-differentiated impacts of small arms and light weapons and their broader impacts on human rights.

A Critical Intersection: Private Security Companies, Gender-based Violence, and the Arms Trade

Submitted by Katie Lazaro on

'The globalization and expansion of the private security industry has led to concerns about whether the industry has adequate safeguards to prevent sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), and other human rights abuses, by its personnel.'

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Tackling Armed Domestic Violence in the Caribbean and Central America

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

Almost one in three women across the globe — some 736 million women in total — have been subjected to physical and/or sexual violence at least once in their lifetime, according to a landmark meta-analysis published by the World Health Organization in 2021. The presence of a firearm in the family home increases the risk not only that such acts will be committed but also that they will result in the death of the victim...

Gender-based Violence in Numbers: Data from Argentina's National Agency of Controlled Materials (ANMaC)

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

Every 35 hours, a woman is assassinated in Argentina just for being a woman. This dire situation unleashed a wave of protests, beginning on 3 June 2015 with a march under the slogan 'Ni una menos' ('Not one [woman] less'). National authorities reacted by putting the issue at the top of the public agenda and adopting a range of actions to prevent and eradicate gender-based violence...

Small Arms Survey Podcast #53: Women in Arms Trafficking

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

The roles of women in arms offences have been looked at from many perspectives, including violent extremism prevention, women offenders, political activism, or transnational crime in relation to drug trafficking and human trafficking. However, the roles of women in arms trafficking have rarely been considered through a small arms lens.